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The road less travelled

Pippa Botha

Pippa Botha - The road less travelled

Years ago Riekert and I went on a holiday to Greece. We rented a tiny car and toured the whole island of Kefalonia for 10 days. It was heavenly! Because the island is so small there was never the risk of getting lost. But one day Riekert headed out into hill country. The little chevrolet struggled to navigate the rutted path ahead of us as we climbed ever higher. Soon we found ourselves on a road that seemed forgotten. There was no sign that it had been travelled in decades. We wouldn't have been surprised to see a horse driven wagon approaching us from years past. It felt as if we had gone back in time. Although the remoteness of our position made me slightly uneasy, the certainty of our position sustained my heart.

Our lives are filled with roads to choose from. Some of our own making; others already paved by previous travellers. Some lead to uncertain destinations; the end of others is sure. Some are winding with many detours; others are straight.

There is a road I seek out more and more these days. The road has a name. It's called obedience. Obedience isn't a popular road. It often feels remote and devoid of fellow travellers but the one who travels it is certain of one thing: Obedience is the direct pathway to God!

Paul prays that we will grow in the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so that we may walk worthy of Him, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and that we may grow in the knowledge of God. Col 1:9-10.

If I read this carefully I see that by understanding what God wants me to do and by doing it, I will grow in my knowledge of Him. My hunger to know God more, leads me to pray, "Lord, show me Your ways that I may walk with You"

When your heart cries out for deeper intimacy with God and your feet lead you onto the road of obedience, let no-one tempt you away to a highway of buzz and hussle; one that is easily navigated but with a destination other than the revelation of our everlasting Father.

Obedience isn't a deed so much as a pilgrimage. Obedience is our call. Jesus is our constant Companion, our Mentor, our Instructor, our Example and our Destination. The road less travelled is our adventure!

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1 comentario

Jacqui Viljoen
03 feb 2020

I will try very hard to Coddiwomple all my way to the road of obedience. Once we concentrate on being obedient you soon find out it is not that easy. Like we say in Afrikaans: daai klein jakkalsies wat groot skade doen!

Thank you Pippa and God Bless

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